Monday, May 26, 2014

Visiting the Feistners in Seattle

We finally had a chance to visit the Feistners' new home in Seattle!  We had great weather and a wonderful trip.  It only rained one afternoon.  Apparently, the weather was
much worse in Wisconsin.  The kids had so much fun they didn't want to come home.  We kept busy every day, but there was still lots we didn't get to see.  Seattle is such a great city.  We visited Pike's Place Market, had beverages at the very first Starbucks, rode the monorail, assended the Space Needle, took a boat tour of the harbor, went to the Woodland park zoo, sampled at Theo Chocolate factory, met with the Fremont Troll, spectated at Charlie's soccer game, hiked the Swamp Monster Trail on Tiger Mountain, visited the Seattle aquarium, attended a party at Crossings at Pine Lake, flew through a Boeing factor tour and the Museum of flight, and were awed by Snoqualamie Falls.  Thank you Kari, John, Olivia, Kailey, Charlie, and Jade for having us.  It was a very memorable week!  Click on the picture to see more pictures from our trip.


May was an awesome months of celebrations!  First, my birthday!  This year Jay and I celebrated the day before with a dinner out and the purchase of my very first smartphone.  On my actual birthday, we drove to Schaumburg to see Sue perform in "The Music Man" at Lincoln Prairie School. We topped off the day with cake and ice cream when we got back home.  The kids decorated my cake with some special decorations.  We celebrated Mother's Day with my mom and sister at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee.  The kids loved seeing the animals, climbing the tall tower, running across the bridge, and the secret doorway to the "waterfall" slide.  Plus we were serenaded by a quartet of singing frogs.  The final big celebration of the month was Theo's last day of preschool at Sunshine Mountain!  He had a great last day with an ice cream party.  In the evening, Granny and Grandpa came down to see his end of the year program.  The kids sang many cute songs and received certificates of completion for the year.  I am sad that our time at Sunshine Mountain has already ended, but hopefully Declan will get to attend there when he is 3.  Theo is very excited about attending 4K at his new school next fall.  Declan will also attend Junior Preschool there, or as Theo has dubbed it: 2K.

We topped off our month of celebrating with a trip to Seattle to see the Feistner family.  See Jay's blog post for more about our wonderful trip.

Since returning from our trip, we had a fun Memorial Day weekend including a celebrating a friend's upcoming wedding with a painting party at Picasso Vino and a BBQ at our house on Memorial Day.

Click on the family photo to see more.


We were finally able to be out and about more in April.  Fun events included visiting our friends Alina and Steve and meeting their fourth baby and celebrating Easter.

Click on the eggs to see more!


March was still quite a cold month, so we didn't do too much.  The most exciting events were the open house at Theo's preschool and Theo's friend Ben's 5th birthday party!  Other than that, Declan spent a lot of time working on his favorite puzzles.  Enjoy a few photos and videos!  Click HERE.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


After our Florida trip and Declan's birthday, the rest of February wasn't nearly as exciting, but we were able to keep ourselves busy with new toys and swimming lessons.  Click on the tea partiers to see more.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Declan's 2nd Birthday

We don't have any babies anymore.  Declan is 2 years old!  He requested a Lightning McQueen birthday party.  Uncle Scott baked him a special cake.  His friend Evalyn, her parents, and Grannie came over to help him celebrate.  Declan missed having Grampa there, but he was home with a cold.  Click here for the rest of the album.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Florida Keys 2014

                     We're back from our trip to Key Largo.  This time we also brought Declan and our friends Allison and Nathan.  The weather was perfect.  We had a great time seeing Uncle Jim and soaking in some sunshine before coming back to the below zero temperatures and snow.  Click on the link to see some of the pictures.